Saturday, April 14, 2012

An Hour of Listening.

I have given you your daily
I have given you your

You take double
                    handfuls, you hoard until it turns to
rot, you cram full your stomach until you
                    vomit, you are so afraid of starving.

Tomorrow is too big for you.
You want to hold it, not knowing
                                                   it will crush

But you are strong enough for today,
at least  for this hour,
this minute. You can take one
You have strength enough for that.

If I told you your future, you would not
be able
            to move. It is too heavy,
                          you would crumple
                          to the ground
                          under its weight.

You think by knowing, you would have
but it would destroy you, for you
still would not believe you could reach
                                                           such a beautiful end.
So trust me, this time. Just

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