Sunday, June 17, 2012

(Happy?) Father's Day.

Realization: We attach "happy" to holidays much too thoughtlessly.

I understand there's not really any way around it. We all mean well. We're only trying to be friendly, to spread the spirit of warmth and cheer that's supposed to be the prerequisite for celebrations like today.

But the truth is, not everyone is having a happy Father's Day.

I've heard a lot of stories. Many from people I know personally, and care about deeply. People whose dads are gone--physically, spiritually, emotionally. People whose dads hurt them. People with scars. People who never experienced what a father is supposed to be. People who feel like they're missing a piece of themselves.

There's nothing I can say to these people. I see the advertisements plastered throughout Walmart, and I listen to the constant stream of television commercials, Father's Day, Father's Day, Father's Day, and the only ones I can think about are the ones who are fatherless. And there's nothing I can say.

But I'm stubborn enough to try anyway. As an imperfect daughter with an imperfect father, living in an imperfect world, I'd like you to know, whether your Father's Day is a happy one or not--we all have pieces missing. Maybe it's the piece where our father should be. Or our mother. Or our courage. Or our peace. Or our compassion. Not a single one of us is whole. That's why we're all trying to fix ourselves, in our own way.

It won't work, you know. In case you haven't noticed, we suck at filling in the gaps. The pieces never quite fit. They always end up falling through.

But guess what? Yeah, you knew this would come back to Him. The Father of the fatherless. The Healer who fills in every misshapen hole with perfectly-shaped pieces of Himself. It won't necessarily be easy, or quick, or without pain. Because though the truth behind these words is simple, living it out rarely is.

Don't give up. For our Father's promise is sure: His children will be made whole.

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